Acer has announced its dual-touchscreen tablet, named the Acer Iconia. Created in collaboration with Microsoft, this is probably the closest we'll get to the Microsoft Courier book-inspired tablet, concept images of which did the rounds about this time last year.
With a definite laptop vibe, the Iconia consists of two 14in 720p HD touchscreen panels and runs Windows 7 Premium rather than a mobile or specific tablet OS. However, Acer has added a social networking and media hub called Acer Ring to the Windows software as well.
On the inside, the Iconia is rocking an Intel Core i5-480 chip, 640GB of storage with 4GB of RAM, three USB ports, an HDMI connection and built-in 3G and Wi-Fi. It also offers a four-cell battery which can only give you around three hours of dual-tablet action - not ideal.
Another less than ideal element of the Acer Iconia is its price tag - at a hefty £1,500, will anyone be able to afford it when it goes on sale on January 16th?
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